
The Deeper Story… What Defines Your Success?

I hope you are having an amazing week! Last week, I featured some truly inspirational people who were kind enough to share their Deeper Story and how it made them the successful people they are today! Your story is powerful because it is your story. Most people never see your struggles. Sometimes that can feel isolating. It can be difficult … Continue reading The Deeper Story… What Defines Your Success?

Kyle Elliott – The Deeper Story…

Today's Deeper Story features one of the most incredible and successful people I know, Kyle Elliott! Here's an excerpt from his fascinating story: People in the audience do notice. It has become a solo performance. But to the conductor’s surprise, the audience starts clapping and cheering. They appreciate the show. While the ensemble was good, the soloist is even more beautiful. He … Continue reading Kyle Elliott – The Deeper Story…

The Deeper Story…

Truth is Power. Vulnerability is Strength. Tell your Story. (FB) Hi folks - this week I want to tackle a difficult topic: your deeper story and how it made you the amazing person you are today.  Your story is powerful because it is your story. Most people never see your struggles. Sometimes that can feel isolating. My story has … Continue reading The Deeper Story…

Friday Mantra!

Happy Friday! Today's Mantra features the highly accomplished Bob Sager! "How can I add more value to more people?" The founder of SpearPoint Solutions, LLC, Bob’s professional background includes experience in financial planning and residential real estate. He is a Consultant and Trainer on Personal Achievement and Practical Innovative Thinking. Among other accomplishments, Bob is the inventor of the … Continue reading Friday Mantra!